Minggu, 13 November 2011

..My Happy Life..

a must to continue my study outside my hometown often makes me feel lonely..
no wonder, because for the rest of my life before, i never live alone..
in seacoast city now i try to build my new life..
I have two roommates in my boarding house..
Their names is mixie and snow :)
They are my hedgie..
Mixie is my first hedgehog...this is his pictures..
he is very handsome right ^^
i love playing wit him, his favorites games is hide and seek..
often i allow him to walk around in my room,,and when he try to reach the dark angel in my room, i will inhibit his way..
so that he will run to other side, and wait me to turn my eyes..
he is very smart playing this games..
often he wait patiently in other side while watching on me few times..
seconds after i turn my look, i will find him disappear..LOL..
i love him very much..
My second hedgie named snow..i haven't had her photo yet..
otherwise mixie's character, snow is quieter than mixie..
she also easier to handle..
she loves to sleep besides me..
often she accompany me to do my homework or my job while she sleep under their favorites doll at my bed..
I love them more and more :)

Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011

I just want to disappear from this world..
from you that always hurt my heart..
It is better to me to be dissolved with the rain..
It is better for me to be suffered for a while..
Than forever i give my heart to wrong people just like you..
I can withstand with this pain..
no need to worry,,
because i believe..
 someday someone will found me and guide me to the way of happiness..
I hope.. 

Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011


dalam kesendirian kita belajar mengenal diri sendiri..
dalam kesendirian kita belajar menjalani semua seorang diri
dalam kesendirian kita belajar menjadi kuat..
dalam kesendirian kita tahu siapa yang sejati..
hanya ketika kita sendirian,,maka kita bisa mengetahui betapa berharganya orang-orang disekitar kita..
hanya ketika kita sendirian,,kita bisa tahu sejauh mana kemampuan kita..
kesendirian adalah ujian terberat dalam hidup..

tapi sepi itu tak selalu membunuh..
sepi itu mengajarkan untuk bertahan dalam keadaan terburuk..